SVM: Movie Review Sentiment Classification
The IMDB movie review dataset contains reviews along with a positive or negative sentiment associated with each movie review (see below for an example). Due to the size of the whole dataset, we will only use a subset here. It contains 5,000 training samples and 1,500 test samples. Before we get started, download and save the training data here and the test data here (make sure that you set the format to Page Source
Sentiment: "negative"
Review: "There's a thin line between being theatrical and being just plain forced. Forced acting. Forced takes. Forced plot. Even forced photography."
The project is written in Python and, before starting, make sure to install and import the following libraries.
Data Preprocessing
To be able to preprocess the data, the csv file is first of all read with pandas and transformed into a numpy array. Then, all negative reviews receive the label 0, whereas all positive reviews receive 1 as their label.
The next step is to remove all stop words (words such as “the”, “I”, or “he” that occur so frequently that they are deemed irrelevant for the classification), digits, and punctuation. By using a pre-existing stop word list from the nltk library, the undesirable words can be easily discarded.
Following that, the remaining words are stemmed, i.e., they are reduced to their base word or stem so that similar words are being represented by the same stem word. For example, ‘leaking’ and ‘leaks’ would both be converted to ‘leak’ and would therefore be seen as the same word in the upcoming steps. Due to better performance, the Snowball Stemmer, which is slightly more aggressive than the alternative Porter Stemmer, was implemented.
Finally, to make our data processable for the SVM classifier, we need to vectorise the text. There are several ways how to represent text in a vector. One of the most commonly used approaches that is also used here, is to count the occurrence of words. However, we are not using the normal count vectorsier, and are instead implementing the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vectoriser here. Rather than only returning the word count, the TF-IDF vectoriser takes into account that some words are more common in general and, therefore, weighs them less.
SVM Classifier
A Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a supervised Machine Learning algorithm that works really well for text classification problems. It is quick and performs better than Deep Learning algorithms for a small number of samples.
In general, SVMs try to find the best hyperplane to split n-dimensional data. This approach works well for linearly seperable data. However, most real-world problems are nonlinear. This is where kernels come into play. Kernels transforms linearly inseparable data into a higher-dimensional space, making the data linearly separable again.
Finding the right kernel with the fitting hyperparameters is the main challenge when designing an SVM classifier. Fortunately, Scikit-learn
offer the GridSearchCV
class that helps finding the right hyperparameters. You can easily input your parameter space and the algorithm will output the best hyperparameter combination. In our case, to speed up the process we are only inputting a subsample of the whole dataset.
{'C': 10, 'gamma': 0.1, 'kernel': 'sigmoid'} 0.844
Now, we take the just obtained optimal set of hyperparameters and initialise, fit and assess the SVM classifier.
Train accuracy: 95.82 %
Test accuracy: 86.07 %
With those hyperparameters, we achieved an 86 % accuracy on the test dataset, which is quite good considering that we only have a small subset of 6,000 training samples here. However, with a more extensive hyperparameter search (that could take multiple hours), there might be some room for improvement still.